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A Great quote:
"Don't expect your Friend to be a perfect.
Help your Friend to become a perfect person"…………….. by - sushma

Beautifl msg by a frnd:nvr prais me wnevr i mak u hapy nvr say sory wnevr u do sumthn wrng,
nvr giv credit 4 sumthn spcl i hv done,
jst 4giv me wnevr I hurt u………… sushma

Be careful to whom U give importance. Bcoz when U give importance to someone, U not only give them d right to love U. But also d power to hurt U.!! ………… sushma

Cat:hw old r u? Elpht:5yrs, Cat:bt u look big.
Elpht:im complan boy. Cat:im 30yrs.
Elpht:bt u look so small,Cat:j
handu kesri jivan, badti umar mano tham SE JAI. ………… sushma

Impressive one liner-
"There is no point keeping your heart strong like iron, you never know whose heart turns out to be a Magnet..!!":-) –………… sushma

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